She’s There


She’s there when you repeat a phrase, that she would say to you

She’s there each time you show your child, her way to tie their shoes

She’s there in every photograph, though your vision sometimes blurs

She’s there with every kiss you give, you’ve stored them up from hers

She’s there each time you cook a meal, she taught you how to make

She’s there when you give yourself some care, if only for her sake

She’s there in all the love you give; she showed you what love means

She’s there each time you use her ‘look’, to make them eat their greens

She’s there in every rhyme you sing, that you still hear in her voice

She’s there whenever you see her in your child, and you rejoice

She’s there in all your worries, your laughter and your tears

She’s there because she had them too: the hopes, the joy, the fears

She’s there with every book you read that she first read aloud

She’s there each time you swell with pride, because you made her proud

Emma Robinson 2019


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